MDM Goes Beyond the Data Warehouse
MDM Goes Beyond the Data Warehouse
Blog Article
MDM Goes Beyond the Data WarehouseMDM requires that the data governance processes are part of an enterprise information management initiative to actively update and maintain the data definitions that the business creates. Data governance is an enabling process rather, but too often falls short because its deliverables are not incorporated into information management.
Getting Started
Since data warehouses and associated processes have fallen short of providing MDM, it must be time to buy a MDM product, right?
Although buying versus building may be the most cost-effective approach, let’s step back before you buy a MDM product. You should determine what is needed before you buy. Failing to understand why past efforts have come up short is a sure recipe to failure. You might deploy a new MDM product, but still not achieve the business results you want. Even worse, you might be creating yet another data silo – moving you either further from a single version of the truth.
The two ingredients to success are a comprehensive approach to data integration and enterprise data management for your enterprise.
An enterprise data integration platform addresses the first inhibitor previously discussed by enabling two-way integration between the operational and analytical solutions, using the appropriate techniques that are needed to integrate the various enterprise applications and the DW. By implementing tactical standalone data integration tools in the past, we constrained each solution built. Typically, a DW uses ETL while enterprise applications use web services, which limited the ability of the analytical and operation systems to exchange and integrate their data
Enterprise data management, particularly data governance, is essential to begin any MDM solution and stay in operation. No technology is going to eliminate the human element of these solutions.
Should you buy a MDM product? Maybe, but before you do make sure that a comprehensive enterprise data integration platform with a supporting information management program are in place to ensure success.